Methods of payment
Payment before shipment
Bank transfer |
Bank transfer
Recipient: |
AJ Group Sp. z o.o. |
Address: |
ul. Bursztynowa 96, Modła Królewska, 62-571 Stare Miasto |
Account number for EUR: |
07 1090 1229 0000 0001 5187 3636 |
Bank name: |
Please enter your order number in the transfer title.
Choose PayPal as the method of payment, and at the end of the ordering process you will be redirected directly to PayPal. If you have a PayPal account, you can log in there and confirm the payment. If you are a new PayPal customer, you can use the system as a guest or create a new PayPal account and then confirm the payment. Processing of your order will begin as soon as the payment is credited to us - usually it takes only a few minutes. Once your payment has been processed through PayPal, you will receive an order confirmation from us. Occasionally, errors may occur on PayPal pages, which are beyond our control. If you have further questions about payment, please contact our Customer Service.
Shipping of the ordered goods takes place after the payment is credited to the account of the store